The Confidence Factor for Women: 8 Habits You Must Eliminate to Build a Million Dollar Demand

Carol Sankar
3 min readFeb 2, 2017


Meetings: I actually must thank Tim Ferriss for this strategy. Avoid meetings at all costs, especially those without a clear intention or deliverable for its purpose. I do not spend my days offering free coffee meetings, phone consultations or “getting to know you networking” functions that are a clear waste of valuable time. People will find every reason in the world to “meet” with you and pick your brain. Remember, your time is valuable. Every moment you spend on a non-income producing activity is at a loss to your company.

Fear: Yes, that 4-letter f-word that we hide behind. It keeps women leaders small and almost invisible in many industries. Especially, the fear of asking. Never wait for an opportunity, you must create the confidence within to ask for what you deserve. Otherwise, you will always operate at the level of your comfort, rather than the level of your value.

Indecisiveness: Confident leaders make fast decisions. They do not wait to go home and “phone a friend.” Indecisiveness is related to despair, and will cause you to take what you can for now, rather than make a decision about your needs.

Procrastination: Every decision you put off until later is a decision which will discount the value of your company and decrease demand.

Settling: Never accept something today that you hope will pay off later. How you commence a relationship is how it will continue. Do not give yourself permission to create limitations for yourself by accepting less than your value. It is better to reject an offer with haste, than regret the outcome of working harder for less. Most women will compromise value for publicity and exposure rather than abstain until you are offered full and fair consideration in the market.

Inconsistency: The wealth is in the follow up. Are you following up with prospects and potential partners? Remind people why you are valuable. Success will not work if you only show up on your best days. It takes consistent effort to close major prospects.

Minor Tasks: Opening emails all day, monitoring social media, talking to your friends throughout the day, texting jokes throughout the day , television, watching streaming content — minor tasks! The key to building a demand that you can monetize is major tasks ONLY. It is time for you to give up control so you can have more time to generate more revenue. The best investment you will make, other than a coach, is in a team. Efficiency is the key to success.

Increase Your ASK: If you do not ask, you will always assume you are not worth more. Leaving money and opportunities on the table is the key to working harder, not smarter.

Carol Sankar is a high level business consultant and the founder of The Confidence Factor for Women in Leadership, which is a global executive leadership firm focused on diversity and inclusion initiatives for high level women. Carol has been featured at TEDx, The Steve Harvey Show, Bounce TV, Inroads, The Society for Diversity, SHRM, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, Homevestors and more. For more details, visit



Carol Sankar

As featured on TEDx, CNNMoney, Forbes, Inc., and The Steve Harvey Show. Founder of The Confidence Factor for Women in Leadership.